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Hollywood actresses Angelina Jolie and Halle Berry are to co-star in a new action thriller, 'Maude v Maude', which has been described as a "Bond vs Bourne"-styl...
Hollywood actresses Angelina Jolie and Halle Berry are to co-star in a new action thriller, 'Maude v Maude', which has been described as a "Bond vs Bourne"-styl...
Hollywood actresses Angelina Jolie and Halle Berry are to co-star in a new action thriller, 'Maude v Maude', which has been described as a "Bond vs Bourne"-styl...
L'actrice oscarisée jouera aux côtés d'Angelina, 48 ans, dans son nouveau projet de film "Maude v Maude", et Halle a révélé qu'elles avaient passé du tem...
The X-Men actress assured Variety that the initial conflict between her and the Tomb Raider star will ultimately make the upcoming project Maude v Maude, better...